Circuit Bent Video Distorter/Mixer/Fader-Lo Fi Video Synth

$69.95 - $84.95

This simple, yet complex video synth has been created to use with TWO video input sources to enable various distortions, scrambling, mixing, fading and other effects. A number of differing effects can be achieved depending on what you connect to this device. You can connect VCRs, DVD players or Camcorders and combine the visuals from each. Your output should be connected to a standard old school (CRT) TV, as a lot of newer digital viewing monitors (including projectors) will display a no image warning.

***Keep in mind, the main function and strength of this device is the combining of TWO video input sources (any combo of VCR, DVD or Camcorder sources). The video demos below all use two video input sources. Using only one video source WILL NOT result in the effects seen in the video below.

***This device is completely passive with no power required. Please see video for a quick example of some of the visuals that can be achieved with two video input sources. The only difference between the mixer in the video and the one you will receive is that the one you will receive has a different style vintage knob. The mixer that is pictured above is the model that you will receive.

Video can be seen at:

More videos and pictures can be viewed at:

1. Main Distorter/Mixer/Fader Knob-main effect that controls various functions depending on your input
2. Video Input 1 Mutate Toggle Switch-3 position switch to select various effects assigned to Input 1
3. Video Input 2 Mutate Toggle Switch-3 position switch to select various effects assigned to Input 2
4. Video Input 1 Enable/Disable Toggle Switch-connects/disconnects Video Input 1
5. Video Input 2 Enable/Disable Toggle Switch-connects/disconnects Video Input 2
6. Video Input 1 RCA Jack-connect to VCR, Camcorder or DVD Player
7. Video Input 2 RCA Jack-connect to VCR, Camcorder or DVD Player
8. Main Video Output Jack-connect to CRT (old school) TV for viewing

This device has been built with N.O.S. and high quality components throughout.
Please see my other listings for other unique instruments and devices. I have been Circuit Bending, modifying and building electronic instruments and devices since 2002 and have been selling them since 2005. All of my devices and instruments are guaranteed to be free of defects in workmanship, added hardware and components-inside and out. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me and I will help you in any way that I can. Thanks.

  • NO Video Cables
    4 available 100%
  • (3) RCA Cables
    4 available 100%